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搜尋參考資料: 1. www.shape.com Diet, fitness and beauty features, with an online community. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shape A shape is the form of an object or its external boundary, outline, or external surface, as opposed to other properties such as color, texture, or material composition. www.shape.com/fitness 13 Unforgettable Moments from the Brooklyn Half Marathon. From sneaking in a kiss at mile eight to successfully achieving her goal time, our nutrition editor shares ... shape.ag Sicher Free Secure Messenger | Shape AG ... Safe login with passcode. Create a passcode upon first launch and use your phone number to log into the service. www.thefreedictionary.com/shape shape (shāp) n. 1. a. The characteristic surface configuration of a thing; an outline or contour: a lake in the shape of an hourglass. See Synonyms at form. |
- May 23 Sat 2015 09:41
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